If you’ve been following ZeroCarb LYFE, you know how much we love our Evansville community. Last week, our founder and creator, Mohamed Aly, was invited to share his story and the ZeroCarb brand on ABC 25 Local Lifestyles with Ange Humphrey in our hometown of Evansville, Indiana. Mohamed spoke with Ange about how he came up with the idea for the ZeroCarb Pizza Crust, presented a simple ZeroCarb recipe that anyone can try at home, and shared some new and exciting products that are currently in development at ZeroCarb.
Years ago, Mohamed was diagnosed with diabetes, which prevented him from indulging in one of his favorite foods—pizza! Mohamed revealed that he had once weighed as much as 400lbs, but he knew he had to make a lifestyle change. That's when he found the inspiration to create the ZeroCarb Pizza Crust!
Facing many challenges and dozens of trial-and-error attempts, Mohamed refused to give up on creating a pizza crust with zero carbs. Finally, he perfected the recipe, creating the world's first chicken-based zero-carb pizza crust. Not only could Mohamed once again enjoy pizza, but he also used his innovative recipe to fuel an inspiring weight-loss and keto journey—he is now down to 250lbs!
You can find ZeroCarb Pizza Crusts here in Evansville at Kipplee's, Azzip Pizza, and Dontae's Pizza Parlor. We're also working with local grocers to bring ZeroCarb pizza to a store near you. We have some big projects going on, and we can't wait to share them with our ZeroCarb LYFE community!
If you love unique flavors, you don't want to miss Mohamed's ZeroCarb recipe featured on Local Lifestyles with Ange Humphrey. Check out the video below, and keep an eye out for future appearances from Mohamed on Local Lifestyles!
- ABC 25 Local Lifestyles ZeroCarb Visits Ange Humphrey with Local Lifestyles,
- Ange Humphrey ZeroCarb ZeroCarb Visits Ange Humphrey with Local Lifestyles,
- Local Lifestyles ZeroCarb Visits Ange Humphrey with Local Lifestyles,
- ZeroCarb ZeroCarb Visits Ange Humphrey with Local Lifestyles,
- ZeroCarb LYFE ZeroCarb Visits Ange Humphrey with Local Lifestyles,
- ZeroCarb Recipes ZeroCarb Visits Ange Humphrey with Local Lifestyles