ZeroCarb would like to extend a huge THANKS to Ange Humphrey of ABC 25’s Local Lifestyles for welcoming Mohamed Aly, creator and co-founder of ZeroCarb, on the Local Lifestyles live show! We revealed a few exciting announcements that we are thrilled to share with our ZeroCarb LYFE family.
ZeroCarb Pizza Crusts are now available at BFit by Bob’s Gym + Fitness North! Pick up your 2-pack crust at 8700 N Kentucky Ave in Evansville!
Watch the interview below to hear more about our special announcements, including our partnership with Schnucks regional grocer to offer our full frozen pizza—coming soon!
- 2-pack Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- ABC 25 Local Lifestyles Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- Ange Humphrey ZeroCarb Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- BFit Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- Bfit by Bob's Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- evansville Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- fitness Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- lifestyle Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- Local Lifestyles Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- ZeroCarb Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- ZeroCarb LYFE Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!,
- ZeroCarb Near Me Announcing ZeroCarb at BFit by Bob’s Gym in Evansville!